The First Few Weeks

The First Few Weeks

Transitioning to Community Based child development services

On hospital discharge, a referral to the child development team (CDT) will be made by the discharging team (in-take form in Appendix 1). For older children who have moved into the area, the same referral form should be used with as much retrospective information as possible.

All cases discussed in the following Tuesday’s multi-agency intake meeting where a plan will be made for who within the team will see the family and when.

For urgent medical concerns Telephone 020 7794 0500 ext 26457 to discuss with one of the Paediatricians (for professionals only).

EVERY new baby will be referred to and seen by:

  • Community paediatrician (for families who have a Barnet GP). First appointment by 3 months of age. Appointments are usually held at Edgware Community Hospital (EGH), Burnt Oak Broadway, Edgware HA8 OAD in children’s outpatients or occasionally in an alternative centre, like Underhill children’s centre.

    • Under 5’s/preschool – Dr Ella Rachamim

    • Over 5’s/school age – Dr Christine Jenkins

  • Community paediatric physiotherapists usually see families at Oak Lane clinic in East Finchley within 3 months from leaving hospital.

  • Early Years SEND Advisory Team contacts the family within three weeks during term-time and arranges a visit within 1-2 weeks.  There may be a delay in school holidays but there will always be a point of contact given to families.  Early Years SEND Advisory Team can be contacted by the hospital team when a baby is born if they identify that very early support would be beneficial.  This is only for families who live in the Borough of Barnet, otherwise a referral to Early Years SEND Advisory Team will need to be made to that borough. There is a Parents’ What’s App group for families in Barnet that have a child with Down Syndrome that families can be added to if they wish.  See further information below.

  • Paediatric dysphagia team (part of the Speech and language therapy (SALT) service) - all children with DS will receive a feeding assessment by a specialist SALT early on, in community setting or in hospital if concerns arise prior to discharge.  Sometimes a referral to a tertiary centre for this assessment may also be recommended.  We know these babies can have significant feeding difficulties, with risks of aspiration which can go undetected, so this needs to be evaluated at every point of contact with families. (See Appendix 3 - Red Flags for feeding)

  • In Barnet, there are also community neonatal nurses who see all babies with DS within a few days of discharge and as frequently as required, with regular weights etc. They are based in the neonatal unit and will liaise with the neonatal consultants to troubleshoot any issues.

SOME BABIES WILL ALSO be referred to and see:

  • Paediatric dietician - Children at risk of aspiration or who are unable to meet their nutritional requirements orally may need a period of enteral tube feeding which will be managed by the community home enteral tube feeding dietitian.  Any health professional can refer but referrals usually come from discharging hospital dietitian or nurse. Referrals to Specialist Paediatric Dietitian, Home Enteral Tube Feeding team (Appendix 6).

  • Homecare nurses (paediatric) – a referral form for homecare will also be done by the hospital if the baby is going home with an NGT or on oxygen and needs ongoing support at home to manage these, working closely with the paediatrician.

Health Visitors

Every child has a community health visitor.   Health visiting teams work with mothers and fathers, their families, and community groups to promote the health and wellbeing of children and reduce inequalities from the antenatal period until your child starts school. 

Health visitors are nurses or midwives who have undertaken additional training in community public health nursing. They help parents learn and develop the skills required to bring up their children.  Health visitors deliver the Healthy Child Programme, supporting families to give their children the best possible start in life and reach their full potential.   As part of this universal offer, health visitors carry out mandated health and child development reviews at key stages:

  • Antenatal,

  • new birth (9 - 14 days)

  • 6 – 8 weeks

  • 9 – 12m and

  • 2 – 2 ½ years.

These mostly take place in children’s centres around the borough.  Healthy Child Programme: Pregnancy and the first five years of life

Health visiting in Barnet: 

Referral information: Barnet 0-19 Single Point of Access (SPA)

0-19 Admin Hub Team Lead

Healthy Child Programme 4 Barnet

|T. 020 3633 4049 | 0800 772 3110


For safeguarding concerns:

Named Nurse Safeguarding Children

0-19 Healthy Child Program Barnet

|T. |M. 07483 068 088 | A. 3 Winston Hse, Dollis Park , London , N3 1HF


Breastfeeding support service (also accessed via health visiting)

Infant feeding support is offered by all members of the health visiting team at the new birth visit and any follow up contacts at home or in the child health clinic.  There is also a Breastfeeding Support Service which provides mothers with information on breastfeeding, delivered by qualified breastfeeding support workers.  Health visitors do support parents who are formula feeding their babies by providing information on choosing milks and making up feeds, and helping them to feed safely and responsively.

Facebook: Breastfeeding support in Barnet

Trisomy 21 Discharge Checklist

Communication with Parents

  • Consultant Review with parents to explain diagnosis and answer questions

  • Down Syndrome Association parent pack to be given to parents

  • If copies unavailable parents advised to become a DSA member to receive a free copy (see Appendix 2)

  • PHCR (red book) with the Down Syndrome insert given to parents. 

  • Growth parameters to be plotted on the Down Syndrome specific growth chart (For Inserts – see Appendix 8)

  • Safety Netting Advice

  • Focusing on feeding, cardiac complications and importance of seeking help early if there are signs of infection (see Appendix 7 – infographic on infection which can be given to parents and see Appendix 3 on feeding)

  • Early Years SEND Advisory Team postcard given to parents (Appendix 9)

  • Provide a copy of the pathway – either via a link to the Barnet local offer, via email or a printed copy (


  • Examination by a Registrar/Consultant confirming features of Trisomy 21

  • NIPE

  • Passed meconium

  • Pre/post ductal saturations, 4 limb BPs

  • Feeding Assessment by Infant Feeding Team (IFT) +/- SLT

  • Newborn Hearing Screen

Blood Tests/Imaging

  • Confirmatory genetics - FISH and Full Karyotype

  • Full Blood Count with blood film

  • TSH as part of the Guthrie card

  • ECG if an echo has not been performed before discharge

  • ECHO – within 2 weeks if abnormal clinical finding or ECG, otherwise within 6 weeks

  • Day 5 Blood Spot


  • Community Paediatrics referral - Email the referral in addition to this discharge checklist and parental consent form to

  • Infant Feeding team/ Speech and Language Therapist (dysphagia) referral

  • Health Visitor and GP informed via Discharge SEND or discharge summary

  • Referral to neonatal community nursing team for ALL babies with DS

  • Referral to paediatric dietician if going home on NG feeding

  • Local cardiology follow-up if echo not completed, or an abnormality found.

  • Local neonatal follow-up within 3 months (sooner if clinically indicated)

  • Ophthalmology follow up required if problem with red reflexes/ nystagmus/ other eye abnormality- MUST DOCUMENT YOUR FINDINGS IN NOTES AND DISCHARGE PAPERWORK – low threshold for referral - senior paediatrician to decide if referral needed at this stage.

  • MASH referral if there are any social concerns